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Your Lesson 08
Task: Read The acritical and start practicing the action points
Goal: To learn why do a trader not stay in the moment while taking critical action in daily trading.
In retrospect, traders understand that they were just not present with their minds while trading.
You, as a trader, may have complete control initially.
Until you are hit with uncertain outcomes from your trading, and that turns your mindset completely blind.
An invisible power takes over your mind until you understand it, and you are no longer in the right mind to trade from that point.
It's perplexing.
It's so automatic and invisible that you cannot sense it until you see the consequences of a series of bad decision-making.
Most traders have a good intellect and understanding of how to trade successfully.
However, this does not mean that they are successful traders.
Frequently, their intellect and knowledge become a significant shortcoming to trading performance.
It is entirely counterintuitive that many traders otherwise successful in their original profession failed miserably.
After all, we know that being intelligent and thoughtful or knowledgeable can control and command the circumstance.
And this is not the case while trading.
Knowing this is the secret to success as long as we see a bright, experienced person in their professional world losing money every day in trading.
In reality, most traders lack vital skills for trading performance that are not related to the trading strategy or system they are using and don't even know it.
The highly attractive trading system results blind them, their perception of the intelligence, and their quest to add another trading strategy or try another new market.
It prevented them from seeing other criteria that are just as essential for long-term performance. And that is the mindset, emotional makeover, all they require.
However, the trader's intelligence prevents them from finding what they ought to know about emotional management and focusing on their mindset.
Traders should be mindful that some chemical changes always happen when trading in their natural states, making them blind.
So, high intelligence or trading strategy or system is not the only path to success in trading.
To be successful in trading, smartness has to be harnessed to help pull rather than lead. We get it wrong by ignoring the emotional mind and giving all the credit to the rational mind.
Nowhere is this more obvious than in trading.
Traders make mistakes by dismissing the emotional mind and blaming the trading system.
Trading is one of the most evident instances where intelligence and knowledge are not guaranteed success; instead, it may bring adverse results.
The Action Points
Be Aware and always refresh your mind while trading: Know that an invisible power takes over your mind until you understand it, and you are no longer in the right mind to trade from that point. It's perplexing. It's so automatic and invisible that you cannot sense it until you see the consequences of bad decision-making.
You now know that being intelligent and competent or knowledgeable can control and command the circumstance. And this is not the case while trading. Knowing this is the secret to success as long as we see a bright, experienced person in their professional world losing money every day in trading.
You note that high intelligence or trading strategy or system is not guarantee your success in trading.