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Everything You Need In your Journey to Professional Trader

Here is Your Plan

1. Start With

Most Traders Start With Trading Strategy without building a conceptual base. This prevents them from success.


Continue Watching Each Weekly Episode to build a sound conceptual framework


2. Know what is best for your

Take the "Clarify The Confusion" Assessment to know what is best for you.

3.When you ready

Enroll In Your One-one-One Coaching and start your journey towards Professional Trader with guided trading. Contact Your Friendly Trading Success Head at Call/Whatsapp: 82695 50333

Episode 10: How to Stop Overtrading

Traders have a can-do attitude when it comes to succeeding in trading.

Trading requires intense focus and a high level of determination.

However, in the stock market, the trading behavior of traders is influenced by rising and falling markets.

It is just a change in a thinking pattern that drives traders to become risk-takers or risk-averse.

According to the prospect theory, traders avoid risk in gains and embrace risk in losses.

Due to this, some traders hook themselves with the disposition effect, where they tend to sell winners too early and ride losers too long.

With the hope of earning more profits and making money, traders indulge themselves in taking too many open positions or overtrading.

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

Episode 9: How to Manage Stress and Anxity while Trading

The stock market is seemed as a medium to earn money, where everything seems easy and possible.

However, the stock market has a powerful impact on traders.

Trading makes life a continual fight of turning on and off, connecting and disconnecting, feeling overwhelmed and out of control.


The stock market's allure is comparable to a roller-coaster ride.

When you start generating profits, you feel pleased, cool, and pleasant since profits endure a comfortable life.

The moment a trade goes against the expectation, a trader needs to make a lot of decisions in a short span of time.

This causes a severe stress impulse, rendering a trader immobilized, indecisive, and poised between the urge to sell before losing and the hope of recovery.

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

Episode 8: Key To Managing Emotion as a Trader

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

Emotions define your state of mind. 

They create an impression of joy and sorrow in your minds reflecting the experiences. 

Experiences that a trader generates from his gains and losses in his daily trading.

Emotions, if well-managed, can be a source of joy and satisfaction and can commute to the profitability and success of your trading.

On the contrary, if they are improperly managed can become a source of sorrow, frustration, and disappointment leading to inefficient trading.

A trader needs to create a balance between his positive and negative emotions and stay mindful.

A well-balanced trader manages frustration and satisfaction to elevate its trading psychology.

Episode 7: Mind-Makeover, The Key to Traders success

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

For the quest for quick Success, traders get trapped in unbinding emotions whether they will win or lose their money. 


In this situation, the brain scans a trader's emotional state looking for potential threats.

Carried by a surge of emotional response, some part of the logical brain becomes non-operative as It gives more weight to adverse events due to emotional fixedness.


It is where to become successful in trading; a trader needs a total mind makeover!


The mind you bring into trading is not the one that will take you there to Success; you need to train to reframe your Mindset.

Episode 6: How to deal with Market unpredictability?

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

The future is dynamic and unpredictable. 


Market discount the real-world phenomena and whatever anticipated related to the event of the future. 


The market adjusted to a range of things. It reflects trading sentiments and the psychology of the masses.  


It disrupts a trader’s emotions. How to deal with unpredictability? 

Episode 5: How to deal with dynamic market conditions.

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

The journey of trading is like riding a roller coaster. At times traders feel that they have mastered it by; following the rules, making up the profits, being mindful, and eliminating fear-based emotion.

At the other moment, it turns into turmoil, where traders feel they are wrapped up in a different side of trading; where no strategy seems to work for them, they end up breaking the rules, take risks beyond the threshold and get emotionally hijacked.

Does the question arise what is it exactly that flips the efficacious side of trading?

The answer lies within You, in your mind, which is poised with emotions.

Episode 4: How to Build a Probability Based Trading Mindset

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

The mind that you've applied to daily life isn't going to be the one that produces results in trading. 


The world your mind is developed is based on rational expectation, has at least a structure, and the consequence has been predictable.


When you pay for 1kg of wheat, you know how much grain you need to carry. 


In most of the transactions we incur in life, the outcomes are within a range of expectations.


Welcome into the trading. 


Here the expected outcome is much less structured and completely ignores rationality. 


It is not surprising that most traders start their trading business with destiny written as they will lose the game even before they enter their first trade.

Episode 3: Trading Result Consistency: How to achieve it

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

Do you aspire to master the art of trading but finding it difficult to trade effectively?


Isn’t it true that most traders hunt for the holy grail?


Some traders are on the lookout for a method that produces consistent outcomes.


But the fact, as stated by Mark Douglas, is, “The consistency a trader seeks is in our minds, not in the markets.”


In this episode, you will learn how to bring consistency to your trading. 

Episode 2: Trading Mindset comes first: How to build it

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

Ever wondered why you struggle to make money despite having a profitable strategy?


What is it that makes other traders mint money, and someone does not?


You might think that the strategy has loopholes, and it needs to be optimized.


But is it only the strategy that needs optimization, or an optimized mindset is also required?


In this episode, you will learn how to optimize your mindset for trading. 

Episode 1: Journey To Pro Trader: How to start

Hi, my name is Upasana Ramnani, and I am an Intern Trader at TMSU. In this episode,


I will share with you the Trading lesson I have learned here. I hope you will enjoy it, and I will add value to your time.

The true fact is that 80% of traders fail and give up. The reason for this is due to the mindset and competence in specific skill sets.


Just having a lucrative strategy, few good trades and market analysis will not help you. 


Mike Bellafiore has rightly said, “Trading is a performing sport. At a certain point, you have to perform.” 


But the question arises HOW? 


In this episode, you will learn the best steps you can take to start your journey. 

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